
Certification Council for International Businesses and Professionals


Certification is the professional recognition/accreditation rendered a business or individual that meets established qualifications standards through evaluations by peer reviewers. The business and professionals concern themselves with quality assurance and continuous improvement.

As a business owner or professional, certification can raise your business, career, reputation and help keep your skills updated and more applicable.

CCIBP certification may provide exceptional opportunities to reveal your expertise and knowledge to perform at a highest level in your professional roles.


The Certification Council for International Businesses and Professionals (CCIBP) is a non-governmental private accreditation organization for individual professionals and businesses. The purpose of CCIBP accreditation is to encourage, recognize and certify the accomplishment of professional goals and standards and to encourage continuous improvement through a comprehensive evaluation process.

At the sole discretion of the CCIBP Board of Directors, initial accreditation, recognition and certification is granted annually. Under certain circumstances, the CCIBP may require visitation during the accreditation period.

CCIBP may accredited or certify the business and professional activities not personal behaviors and life actions.

The only business and professionals that are accredited and re-accredited by CCIBP are permitted to use the CCIBP logo and name in publications, displays and on websites.


Certification requires evaluation against a set of standards to measure accomplishment of business goals, integrity, quality and reaching international standards.


To maintain Certification, business or individual CCIBP certificate holders must demonstrate that any relevant and appropriate continuing education courses (CE), seminars or training undertaken from CCIBP education and training department or any legitimate organization/corporation or an accredited/recognized university or institution.